Thank you for purchasing this template.

This template is not drawn out of thin air, but is the result of serving clients with writing & design for 5+ years now. I figured this structure to be clear and concise to keep track of all the tasks at hand. If you have several clients, duplicate this whole page.

This Template is for 1 client at hand. I hope you have fun and if you have questions, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]


The below Tasklist page is to keep track of your responsibilities with one specific client.

Tasklist — “Company Name”

Brand Identity

“Company Name” Tone of Voice:

This is where you write out the tone of the company (you can also use it as an AI Prompt) that represents the voice that needs to be kept internally and externally.

Example: “naming readers on a first-name basis, warm, inspiring, authentic, collaborative, caring, understanding, passionate, inspiring and empathetic”

Used Font of "Company Name":